Author Visits


I enjoy visiting schools and libraries to talk about my books, what it's like to be an author, how a book is made, and just about anything curious children want to know. If you think you might be interested in having me as a guest speaker, please use the contact form on my contact page and let me to discuss your individual needs. Skype visits are now also available.
This program brings informational text into your school and/or classrooms while meeting the Core Curriculum State Standards. I will explore informational texts from my books with exercises in close reading. Some standards I include are: compare and contrast two texts on the same topic, author's opinion, research, informative and procedural writing, and the craft and structure of a book. (I am also available to speak with teachers and librarians on the Common Core State Standards.)
Students will learn about the writing process from research to revision.From the time of conception until the book is placed on the library shelf, children will enjoy learning the inside scoop on the both the writing and publishing process. I include photos that give a sneak peek inside a real publishing house!
MY FEE for a full-day visit is $1,500. An additional travel fee may apply depending on my travel time to your school.
During a full-day visit I would be glad to spend lunch with a small group of students. Food, lodging, and travel expenses are additional to my standard fees.
My fee for a single, one hour evening presentation is $300. An additional travel fee may apply depending on my travel time to your school.
Creative Writing Workshops are available for students of all grade levels. I will motivate and inspire students to become better writers. Through group dynamics, using imaginative prompts and brainstorming exercises, students learn the basic elements of creating stories with clear beginnings, middles, and ends. Students will learn how to get their ideas down on paper and learn a fun revision process so they can walk away with the tools they need to create stories of their own. Tools used may include K-W-L charts, a story pyramid, and a five-step story starter. Private tutoring sessions are also available for students in my surrounding communities.
"Your recent visit was a smashing success and a brilliant introduction to nonfiction books for our third graders. Not only was it wonderful to have an expert visit our students, but your ability to keep them all interested in the real world was greatly appreciated."
-Paula McGraw, Librarian, Knollwood School
"Your presentations were perfect! You surely understood our grade levels."
-Perry Stio, Principal, Randophville School
Feel free to contact me to check my availability for school visits, library visits, young author's days and career days.

Professional Development